It is still very fresh in our memories and since people continue to talk to me about it regularly, I cannot help but revisit EFFERVESCENCE 2024 in my post this month.

Here we are, a few weeks after the fifth edition of EFFERVESCENCE, which, like every year, was the result of several months of work, stress, and innovation, but with a result that never disappoints! Montréal InVivo and the entire organizing committee of this key event of our ecosystem are proud and happy with this new edition. Some have even called it the most successful in the event’s history.

The numbers speak for themselves.

For me, this undeniable success is mainly measured by two statistics: The number of participants (nearly 600) and the number of B2B meetings recorded on the platform (more than 570).These figures summarize the reason why EFFERVESCENCE is such an unmissable event: to allow actors of the ecosystem to come together on a large scale and network. To these figures, we can also add other measures of success such as the presence of two international journalists who came to cover the event and the exclusive announcements made on this occasion.

And of course, there is everything we see but cannot quantify exactly: the general atmosphere, the quality of the sessions, the constant traffic in the lounge area, the line at the entrance of the B2B space, the number of animated conversations during the cocktail, etc. These two days filled with exchanges, opportunities, and emotions show us once again everything that can be accomplished when sector actors come together: our ecosystem shines, and our impact multiplies!

In short, this edition of EFFERVESCENCE was a great success thanks to all of you. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this event. I would like to especially thank the members of the organizing committee, who once again provided us with exceptional content, as well as the team at Altitude C, our event partner. A big thank you also to my team at Montréal InVivo for organizing the contests, several sessions, and all the other essential tasks for this success, including seeking sponsorships. Thank you all!

And since we never get tired of organizing events at Montréal InVivo, we invite you to our Annual General Meeting on May 28 at the Lounge Desjardins ! Another opportunity for everyone to continue the discussions started at EFFERVESCENCE! We look forward to seeing you there !