
For a few years, the Growth of Companies Strategic Committee has been prioritizing the needs of companies in the sector. Several initiatives and support tools for SMEs have been developed to assist these companies in their growth. Today, the Project Committee – Entrepreneurship InVivo further solidify this offer of services and support to companies in life sciences and health technologies.

Interested in getting involved to develop a service offering that meets the needs of companies ?

Project description

This project analyzes the support provided to start-ups in life sciences and health technologies (LSHT) to identify key issues and propose solutions or measures to be developed to improve it, in line with and complementary to existing initiatives. This analysis will help position and improve Montréal InVivo’s support provided to entrepreneurs in the life sciences and health technologies and improve its capacity to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem towards better coordination and stronger alignment.

tools and initiatives for entrepreneurs from this committee
1 201
companies represented in the online directory

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