The Life Sciences and Health Technologies (LSHT) sector in Quebec is a cornerstone of our economy, but it faces complex challenges related to intellectual property (IP).
AI – Health
Montreal InVivo supports the development of the sub-sector of artificial intelligence in healthcare through 3 projects with specific objectives.
Indicators of the ecosystem
Data on the ecosystem allows for measuring its evolution and guiding actions in an informed way. Numerous indicators are available for the ecosystem, with different data sources, which can lead to confusion for members and the public.
Early identification initiative for neurocognitive disorders
Alzheimer's disease and neurocognitive disorders are a significant public health issue, and the latest advances in diagnosis and therapeutic innovations have the potential to profoundly change our approach to the disease.
Implementation of value-based agreements
More and more, health innovations address more complex biological disorders and are tailored to more targeted clienteles. Reimbursement models for these breakthrough innovations must evolve in order to benefit from their value to health, in a context where public payers’ and employers’ ability to pay is reaching its limits. With several partners, Montréal InVivo wishes to analyze the various options for risk-shari...
Equity, diversity and inclusion in life sciences and health technologies
The place of women in the workplace is a hot topic that affects all sectors of activity. The statistics speak for themselves: wage gap, more men than women in management positions, the dilemma between professional and personal life, etc. As various initiatives are being developed to increase the number of women in leadership positions, the LSHT sector needs to take stock of the current status of women in positions and ...
InVivo Talent
This committee works to involve the next generation of life scientists in its activities and provide them with a voice to represent the issues experienced in their academic and professional careers.
Rare diseases: Quebec strategy for rare diseases
This multidisciplinary Project Committee brings together rare diseases research experts, clinicians, companies and patient groups. It works primarily on awareness and education initiatives for a better Quebec Strategy for Rare Diseases.